Settlement Information

A proposed settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit against HawaiiUSA, captioned Smith, et al. v. HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union, Case No. 1CCV-24-0000154, in the Circuit Court for the First Circuit, State of Hawai’i, brought on behalf of all persons whose personally identifiable information was potentially compromised as a result of the cyberattack against HawaiiUSA in December of 2022. The settlement does not mean that HawaiiUSA did anything wrong, or that the Plaintiffs and/or the Settlement Class would, or would not, win the case if it were to go to trial.

Who Is a Class Member?

The Settlement Class is defined as all persons in the United States to whom HawaiiUSA mailed a notification that their information may have been impacted in the Data Incident.

Your Legal Rights and Options

Option and Deadline

Your Legal Rights

Submit a Claim

Deadline Passed

You must submit a Valid Claim form to receive credit-monitoring services from the settlement and reimbursement for unreimbursed expenses.

Exclude Yourself From the settlement

Deadline Passed

You will receive no benefits from the settlement, but you will retain your legal claims against the Released Persons.

object to the settlement

Deadline Passed

Write to the Court about why you do not like the settlement. You must remain in the Settlement Class to object to the settlement.

Go to a hearing on

September 17, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.

Ask to speak in Court about the fairness of the settlement.

Do Nothing

no deadline

You will receive no benefits from the settlement and will no longer be able to sue the Released Persons, including HawaiiUSA, over the claims resolved in the settlement.

Dates and Deadlines

Claims Deadline

August 27, 2024

Exclusion Deadline

July 28, 2024

Objection Deadline

July 28, 2024

Final Approval Hearing

September 17, 2024